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ps5 controller support error

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Every time I try to inject using controller support I get the error "Controller support failed - is controller still connected?", I have already made sure DS4 was connected properly, anyone knows how to fix this?

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13 minutes ago, kite said:

Every time I try to inject using controller support I get the error "Controller support failed - is controller still connected?", I have already made sure DS4 was connected properly, anyone knows how to fix this?

If you're on Steam, try this:
- Go to steam settings

- Go to controller tab

- Disable "Enable steam input for xbox controllers" and "Enable steam input for generic controllers"

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i have already done that, it is a problem with injecting the cheat.


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Just now, kite said:

i have already done that, it is a problem with injecting the cheat.


If you've already followed all the steps in this guide and it still isn't working for you, make a support ticket here.

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