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  • Refund Policy

    Unwanted auto renewal? We will give you refunds and cancel your future renewals! Please make a ticket instead of charging back. It's faster and kinder.

    • We have a flexible refund policy so that users can easily get a refund when they need one.
    • If you disregard our flexible refund policy by issuing a chargeback or dispute, these refund terms are voided, and you will be banned from our services without a refund.
    • We will attempt to fight back on chargebacks and disputes in order to win them if we feel abuse has occurred (see above).
    • If you try to get a refund from us and we do not handle your request properly within 3-5 days, we understand if you must dispute or chargeback, however doing so before that time period is over will result in a ban from our services without a refund (see above).


    You may request a refund by submitting a support request here if you meet these conditions. Keep in mind that admins have the final say to prevent abuse, but we will be reasonable. We aren't here to take your cash and run, we just want to make sure that if you have used our products extensively, that we get paid for what we provided.


    1. You have not used the product hardly at all (we will check logs) and something is not working that we can't fix for you. Keep in mind we deal with many impatient customers who come to us with a very easy to fix issue and demand a refund, and we would rather just reply to you on how to fix the simple problem first.
    2. Usage must be under 7 days total for specific product to be considered for a full refund. Otherwise you will be offered a part refund.
    3. If you renewed your subscription and did not want to, we can refund you and tell you how to disable auto renewals as long as you did not use the product extensively after renewal.
    4. Order was made by mistake, some duplicate error happened, you got double charged, or fraud occurred that we can validate on our end.
    5. You can't get the software working and our help did not make it work for you.
    6. You believe you have a valid reason for a refund not listed here, in which case make a support request and just talk to us. We will reply as fast as we can. We do not mess around with your money when you need it back and have a valid reason for refund.
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