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Spoofer Needed? (COD/Warzone)


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Hey all -- I'm trying to be as nonchalant and overly-cautious as possible.  I've never used cheats prior to purchasing PO (yesterday) so my account is clean and has been for over a decade.  I'm wondering if it would make sense to run a Spoofer while using PO so if I happen to get HWID Banned I can just remove the Spoofer and create a new account and go back to playing regularly on my PC without needing to Spoof in the future.  Does that make sense?  I'm brand new to this whole cheating world so excuse my ignorance if I'm talking out my ass, lol.

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46 minutes ago, AchDee said:

Hey all -- I'm trying to be as nonchalant and overly-cautious as possible.  I've never used cheats prior to purchasing PO (yesterday) so my account is clean and has been for over a decade.  I'm wondering if it would make sense to run a Spoofer while using PO so if I happen to get HWID Banned I can just remove the Spoofer and create a new account and go back to playing regularly on my PC without needing to Spoof in the future.  Does that make sense?  I'm brand new to this whole cheating world so excuse my ignorance if I'm talking out my ass, lol.

No, do not run a spoofer with PO. You have a higher chance of getting banned because of a spoofer than getting banned due to PO. HWID bans are usually only applied after 2 or more perma bans, so you should be safe for a while. In the event that you do get HWID banned, then you can just perm spoof and make a new account.

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