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cheat guide question


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am new to PO and just have a question about number 19

Once you are done cheating, Restart your PC before you do anything else. This is for anti-cheat security on any other games you may play later. Restarting your PC removes anything we do from your memory. Make sure to "Restart" instead of using "Shut Down" because "Shut Down" usually puts your memory on disk and uses it later which is not good for anti-cheat security


Do you really need to restart your PC every time you are finished the game (MW3) if that is the only game on your PC you play?

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I feel like the only correct answer is to listen to the man who has one of if not the best (un)detection rate on the market and do what he says. However, in my experience and keeping in mind that your mileage may vary, since MW3 is the only online/multiplayer game I play (but not the only game period), I only restart my computer when needed (Windows updates and other weird OS issues, namely).

So far, since 2015 or so, I haven't had any issues.

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6 hours ago, Trini18 said:



am new to PO and just have a question about number 19

Once you are done cheating, Restart your PC before you do anything else. This is for anti-cheat security on any other games you may play later. Restarting your PC removes anything we do from your memory. Make sure to "Restart" instead of using "Shut Down" because "Shut Down" usually puts your memory on disk and uses it later which is not good for anti-cheat security


Do you really need to restart your PC every time you are finished the game (MW3) if that is the only game on your PC you play?

You do not need to restart your PC every time you are finished playing. You can just close the game and go on about your business. If you want to cheat again, just make sure CoD and Steam/BNET is fully closed and then repeat the injection process.

The only caveat to this is if PO is down for maintenance/update and you want to play legit without waiting for PO to update. If you want to do that, then it is recommended to restart your computer

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