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my setting and key is not saved and i have to do them all the time


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Hello first day on the platform and my setting and my key reseting every time is that normal?cause i have to do them all the time from the beggining

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6 hours ago, kauladas said:

Hello first day on the platform and my setting and my key reseting every time is that normal?cause i have to do them all the time from the beggining

Yes, this is normal. PO does not save your key. You can export/import your configuration using the export and import config button so you don't have to reconfig everything all the time.

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my settings r not seving 

avery day i have to set it up  

i press export and import 


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5 hours ago, Magicdym said:


my settings r not seving 

avery day i have to set it up  

i press export and import 


After you export your config, paste the string somewhere safe and easily accessible (Notepad, private discord server, etc). When you want to import your config, copy the config string again and ensure that there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the config string. Then when you're in-game just press the import config button

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On 5/18/2024 at 8:53 AM, Cthulhu said:

After you export your config, paste the string somewhere safe and easily accessible (Notepad, private discord server, etc). When you want to import your config, copy the config string again and ensure that there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the config string. Then when you're in-game just press the import config button

It is a small price to pay for the best chair available. I have a notepad doc named as my key and inside said doc I have pasted multiple configs.

Run chair, rename, copy and paste, open doc, copy config, chair loads, eject usb, run game, f4 or 7, import config. 

Takes no time really. 

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