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Controller not detected?


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I just purchased the MW3 chair. I enabled controller support but it still doesn't detect my DS4. I've tried with and without DS4Windows open. I appreciate the help.

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6 hours ago, PeptoBismuth said:

I just purchased the MW3 chair. I enabled controller support but it still doesn't detect my DS4. I've tried with and without DS4Windows open. I appreciate the help.

If you're on Steam, try this:
- Go to steam settings

- Go to controller tab

- Disable "Enable steam input for xbox controllers" and "Enable steam input for generic controllers"

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37 minutes ago, Ghostcorn said:

I just downloaded the DS4 who what do I do?

Follow this guide

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44 minutes ago, PeptoBismuth said:

That fixed it thanks!

Glad I could help 👍

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