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Refund has been applied for, please resolve


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I'm not happy using this cheating software, it's not as good as I imagined, maybe it's because I have too high expectations of it. I have applied for a refund, please process it as soon as possible. Thank you

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5 minutes ago, DaJunSang said:


I'm not happy using this cheating software, it's not as good as I imagined, maybe it's because I have too high expectations of it. I have applied for a refund, please process it as soon as possible. Thank you

Tickets will be answered within 24 hours. Just wait for your ticket to receive a response. In the meantime, you can read the refund policy here.

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門票將在24小時內回覆。 只需等待您的票收到回覆。 與此同時,您可以在此處閱讀退款政策。

thank you

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