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Xim Matrix - DMA


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Anyone able to get xim matrix to work on COD. Currently using a DMA setup with a KMBox and fuser. Ive tried and tried and cant get it to work. 

Edited by Bzzy
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I got it working. Just have kmbox between mouse and xim. Just not sure how to get aim key working, only works on always on. 

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Hmm. What do you mean between mouse and xim? Your KMBOX connects to the xim correct?  Controller into xim. And mouse connects to the KMBOX?

Can you post a pic of your bindings on the app?

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1 hour ago, Bzzy said:

Hmm. What do you mean between mouse and xim? Your KMBOX connects to the xim correct?  Controller into xim. And mouse connects to the KMBOX?

Can you post a pic of your bindings on the app?

Sorry, I'm using mouse/kb on xim to detect in game as controller... Makes aim explainable as aim assist. 

I suspect you would do the same but in xim use input as 'mouse and game pad', then customise in xim manager. 

I have kmbox set up as usual but instead of plugging pc port into gamin pc, I plug it into xim. 

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  • 2 months later...

Anyone have more info on this? I have kmbox and xim. Wanting to use my Xbox elite2 controller because I am honestly no good with Kb&m but want to take advantage of the mwIII ab

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