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Just a quick question regharding the loader.


Im a single parent who goes to work all week then has to look after my daughter after school and on weekends, i only get to play CS when shes asleep. so i dont get to play all that often and when i do its against cheaters!


On my computer i have a few games and family pictures. Important pictures for when my daughter grows up.


When i download the LOADER windows gives me loads of warnings about the loader and says its dangerous, what i dont want is either a trojan of some sort or virus or some way of somone have the ability too look into my computer.


Although i dont think PO is about that, my trust anxiety is through the roof!

(sorry for the story, i wanted to give you a little background as to why i have anxiety in the first place.)

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Its a false positive. The loader is injecting it itself into another process which are common signatures in trojans etc. Its completely safe but Windows and antivirus companies see that as a trojan. Its completely safe tho. I use it on my PC and I've been fine. Just make an exclusion in ur antivirus for the USB and play the game ?

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