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  • Give me the TLDR of what to buy so I can skip this page and go watch TikToks!


    • If you need a second device to run the cheats on, a ~300$ minipc such as this one (what I personally use) works amazing
    •  This  CA bundle that includes my preferred DMA board, fuser, and KMBOX. Select if your Game Computer is a desktop or laptop then select firmware. CaptainDMA firmware is fine for EAC/BE and weaker
    • Having a second monitor is advised for ease but not required
    • Having a second mouse is advised for ease but not required. You do not need a second keyboard
    • PO DMA cheat software for any game(s) you want to cheat on


    Should you switch to DMA/hardware cheating?


    • Anyone who can afford it should switch
      • ~300-500$ if you need a second device to run the cheats on. A ~300$ minipc such as this one (what I personally use) works amazing
      • ~600-800$ for your DMA board, firmware, KMBOX, and fuser (KMBOX and fuser are optional)
    • In terms of PO DMA where nothing is written to any memory spaces on the Game Computer, the DMA cheats themselves are undetectable
    • Your complete cheating setup will be incredibly harder to detect
    • PC checks are easy to complete
    • No noticeable difference between external and DMA due to proper optimization


    What are DMA/hardware cheats?


    DMA board & firmware
    A DMA board connects to your Game Computer and can be used to read its memory -> send data through a cable to a second computer (Cheat Computer). This DMA board would have firmware flashed to it that helps it mimic a legitimate hardware device

    It's simple. Your Game Computer is rendering the game. Your Cheat Computer is rendering the ESP on a black background. The fuser overlaps the Cheat Computer rendering over the Game Computer rendering them removes the color black from the Cheat Computer. The end result is ESP over your game without any meaningful detection vectors

    If you can't afford a fuser, our DMA cheats allow you to use these free streaming softwares to achieve a similar result. A fuser is recommended if you can afford it

    You and the KMBOX (which is influenced by the cheat on the Cheat Computer) control the mouse input that your Game Computer receives together. It looks like a single mouse to your Game Computer. This setup can be used for aimbot/triggerbot/magnet triggerbot/recoil control/automation/etc.


    Can the second computer (Cheat Computer) be a poor quality desktop/laptop/minipc?


    I use this ~300$ minipc. It's about the size of my fists put together, I place it on top of my Game Computer, it has integrated graphics instead of a GPU, and it works beautifully. I get 300 FPS smooth ESP in Warzone with max distance. Any device equal to this or greater in specs is going to be absolutely fine. Your Cheat Computer does not need a GPU. The most important spec of your Cheat Computer is the CPU.


    What hardware is required for DMA/hardware cheating


    You need a second device to be your Cheat Computer (desktop, laptop, or minipc), a DMA board, and custom firmware to mask the DMA board as a legitimate device. You also, of course, need your PO DMA cheat software, With only this required setup, you can use and share our web browser radar included in every PO DMA cheat. You can also put ESP on a monitor next to your main monitor and even put the ESP over your game using Moonlight/Sunshine. We do require the below optional hardware if you want ESP overlaying your game using actual hardware and/or aimbot/trigger/magnet trigger/recoil control

    You can optionally use a fuser or KMBOX to boost your experience. The fuser would be used to overlay ESP over your game directly. The KMBOX would be used for aimbot, triggerbot, magnet triggerbot, recoil control, and more


    Risk vectors of DMA? What makes it safer?

    • All of this being said, DMA is incredibly hard to detect compared to one computer internal/external cheats. In the case of PO DMA, the cheats themselves are undetectable and you are only detectable through firmware that doesn't support the anti-cheat for the game you're playing. Additionally, it is much easier to make UD firmware for any given anti-cheat than it is to make a one computer internal/external cheat bypass
    • Writing to the Game Computer's memory, even outside of the game's memory space, makes the DMA cheat software itself detectable. This is also a very feasible detection vector for anti-cheats to take advantage of. Unfortunatley, most DMA cheat providers write to the game's memory on the Game Computer because they want to lower the barrier of entry to their DMA cheat software (they will write view angles for aimbot or write chams or ESP to bypass the need for fuser/KMBOX). Some of them even inject shellcode or put memory writing exploits in their cheat which can be extremely easy to detect. These tactics largely void the protections afforded by using a DMA attack to cheat. It is best to go the safe route and use DMA software that never writes to any memory spaces on the Game Computer (e.g. PO)
    • Only use providers you trust. Some providers may lie about not writing to the Game Computer's memory because they aren't the developer and don't know the truth or are maliciously deceiving you. Malware can also be a concern
    • Server side anti-cheat can always use player stats or behavior to determine someone may be cheating even if they are using DMA. It is best to continue to keep a legitimate configuration and playstyle. You also need a DMA cheat with good humanization (e.g. PO)
    • If the DMA device does not have quality custom firmware flashed to it to mask it as a legitimate device, the anti-cheat may determine the DMA device plugged into your PC is being used for cheating
    • Latency/timing based checks can be used for flagging. These checks do have false positives but anti-cheats like RIOT Vanguard use them to help flag DMA cheaters
    • IOMMU can be utilized to block DMA depending on your firmware. This is OK because you can bypass this by turning virtualization off in your BIOS settings for your Game Computer


    Where to purchase DMA hardware???


    I picked Cyber Ammo specifically. They are the top supplier of CaptainDMA hardware products. I picked them over recommending CaptainDMA directly because they have an unbelievably solid support team and community. They also charge the same as what CaptainDMA charges directly

    Link: https://cyber-ammo.com/shop/


    CA is where you'll want to get your DMA device, fuser, and/or KMBOX. Any DMA device is fine. Here are just some things to be advised about

    • The 75T is a different chip than the other boards (35T) and therefore requires different firmware. It's faster though and has a switch. There are also plenty of 75T firmware providers
    • The gen 5 is an external box so basically you'd put the box on your desk or on top of your PC instead of inside the Game Computer. It still connects via PCIe slot through a cable
    • The gen 4.1 is a little more locked down and it can be difficult to flash new firmware to it. It's better to use this board if you plan to just keep using the pre-flashed CaptainDMA firmware. Or, if you know a good custom firmware provider who supports that board
    • Make sure you get a device with a switch if you will be playing on anti-cheats such as EAC or stronger (even playing legit) so that you can turn your DMA board off if you need to when playing a game that may detect your firmware
    • The KMBOX pro versus NET just differ in communication method. Either are fine. I personally have the NET because I consider the communication method slightly safer but my DMA software will work with either and both are very safe
    • The mini fuser they sell is good. The newer fusers coming out support crazy resolutions and AI but in most cases you may not need that and you can use the minifuser
    • If you buy custom firmware through CA, make sure they get it to you and help you flash it. You may not get a pre-flashed card if you get a custom option so make sure you get them to give you the .bin firmware file & help you flash it to your board


    Here are some alternative hardware shops that I generally trust to sell good products: Enigma-X1. Lightingz/ZDMA


    Where to purchase DMA firmware???


    Custom firmware WARNING
    The market of custom firmware is the wild west right now. We have people selling horrible firmware at outrageous prices, lying, selling the same firmware as "1 of 1" to several people or even hundreds.... just outright madness. You need to use trusted vetted options & not random scammers on Discord


    • If you are going to cheat on BattleEye/BE or Ricochet/VAC/ACE protected games, finding long lasting UD firmware is not hard at all. All of the below support that goal. As for EAC and stronger, things get a little more difficult but still not hard to find
    • The pre-flashed firmware that comes with CaptainDMA boards has proven itself to be decent. It is not safe on VGK/FACEIT, but on EAC/BE and weaker it has only ever had issues for the gen 3 board with EAC specifically. All boards after gen 3 have been good on EAC/BE and weaker so far
    • Shockazulu, the firmware provider that CA sells as "EAC/BE" firmware is good to use for EAC/BE or weaker generally speaking (not VGK/FACEIT). However he did have some ban waves on some firmwares on EAC specifically recently
    • The pre-flashed firmware that Enigma-X1 sells pre-flashed with LeetDMA boards is not good to use on VGK/FACEIT and has been detected once before on EAC specifically, but they have a new version that has been UD on EAC/BE and weaker
    • There is a firmware seller named iThaLove who I trust. He is a bit of an experimenter but he is passionate and he does amazing clones. His high prices are just to limit the attention on him and limit access to his work. He has firmware that works easily on EAC/BE and weaker and he even has clones for FACEIT/VGK. I am still talking to iThaLove about how he would like me to send users to him, maybe with a discount, so check for announcements here if you can't find him
    • Past this point, you can also do your own research and find a firmware provider that works for you. There are many options that work on EAC/BE and weaker (weaker anti-cheats include Ricochet, VAC, ACE)
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