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All cheats now support Windows 11 version 24H2!

Key disabled, contact support


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Guys please I need some help with this, I had key disabled contact support, can’t inject. Made a ticket but no one has responded ever since, pls help🙏

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15 minutes ago, kwesimontana said:

Guys please I need some help with this, I had key disabled contact support, can’t inject. Made a ticket but no one has responded ever since, pls help🙏

This is considered a low priority ticket, so you may have to wait for a while before getting a response. Don't worry about losing time. If you are found innocent and your key is enabled again, then all time lost will be compensated.

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3 hours ago, kwesimontana said:

I don’t get it, I didn’t do anything. I don’t understand the innocence

Loader bans happen if the loader detects someone trying to tamper/crack or abuse it in some way. Sometimes this is a false alarm and you are banned even though you haven't done anything. If Zeb or Fika investigates this and sees that you have done nothing wrong, then you will be unbanned and your time will be compensated.

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I hope they get to see this quick, because how do I even crack a loader? Too dumb to even try. Moreover mw3 is almost over😭

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  • 2 weeks later...

me pasa lo mismo y ahora con bo6 compro unoi nuevo y me aparece key disabled creo que es mejor pedir reembolso el tiket anterior van mas de 2 semanas y no lo responden 


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